86% of marketing professional say they use video in their marketing strategy and 78% says it directly increased sales.

If you can trust those results, adding videos to your marketing is a no brainer.

Different types of video can fulfill different marketing goals. Today, we’re focusing on educational videos. Here are 15 tips to make your videos work harder and generate more conversions.

  1. Start with a clear goal in mind. Before you begin creating your educational video, identify the specific purpose you want it to serve. Is it to explain a new product or service, demonstrate a process, or answer a common customer question? Knowing your goal will help you create a more effective video and track results.
  2. Keep it short and focused. Attention spans are short, so aim to keep your educational video under 5 minutes. If you have a lot of information to share, consider breaking it up into a series of shorter videos.
  3. Use a script. While it can be tempting to just wing it when filming an educational video, a script can help ensure that you cover all the key points you want to make and keep you focused.
  4. Use high-quality equipment. Invest in a good camera and microphone to ensure that your video looks and sounds professional. Poor audio and video quality can be a major turnoff for viewers.
  5. Use visual aids. Use graphics, animations, or diagrams to help illustrate your points and keep viewers engaged.
  6. Keep it conversational. Avoid using technical jargon or overly complex language that may confuse viewers. Speak in a conversational tone that is easy to understand.
  7. Use a variety of shots. Mix up your shots to keep your video interesting. Use close-ups, wide shots, and different angles to add visual interest.
  8. Make it interactive. Consider adding interactive elements like quizzes or polls to your educational video to engage viewers and help them retain the information better.
  9. Include real-world examples. Use real-world examples and case studies to help illustrate the benefits of your product or service and make it more relatable to viewers.
  10. Focus on benefits. Rather than just explaining the features of your product or service, focus on the benefits and how they can help your customers.
  11. Use storytelling. Use storytelling techniques to make your video more engaging and memorable. A well-told story can help viewers connect emotionally with your brand.
  12. Optimize for mobile. Ensure that your video is optimized for mobile viewing, as more and more people are watching videos on their smartphones and tablets.
  13. Include a call to action. End your video with a clear call to action that encourages viewers to take the next step, such as visiting your website or making a purchase.
  14. Test and refine. After creating your video, test it with a small group of viewers to get feedback and refine it as needed.
  15. Promote your video. Once you’ve created your educational video, promote it through your website, social media channels, and email marketing campaigns to drive sales and increase brand awareness.

When you use educational storytelling to answer questions, help viewers solve problems, and provide relevant information, you can help build trust and authority. “By delivering value to viewers and showcasing the benefits of your product or service, you can create a memorable and effective sales tool that can set you apart from the competition,” said Paul Dughi, CEO at StrongerContent.com.