According to YouGovAmerica, 92% of consumers say they trust earned media. When you can get placement for clients, brands, products, or services in trusted media sources — without having to pay for coverage — you get a host of benefits.

Earned media can be more powerful than paid advertising for several reasons:

  • Credibility: Earned media is often perceived as more trustworthy than paid advertising because it comes from third-party sources, such as journalists, industry experts, or satisfied customers. People are more likely to trust recommendations from someone they know or trust, rather than a brand trying to sell its products or services.
  • Cost: While paid advertising can be expensive, earned media can be obtained at little to no cost, making it an attractive option for businesses with limited marketing budgets — although it does take time and effort.
  • Reach: Earned media can have a broader reach than paid advertising because it can be shared and amplified by people who are not directly affiliated with the brand. A positive news story or social media post about a brand can reach thousands or even millions of people, far beyond the reach of a paid advertisement.
  • Longevity: Earned media can have a more extended lifespan than paid advertising, as it can continue to circulate through social media, online news archives, and other channels long after its initial publication. In contrast, paid advertising typically has a limited run time.

Looking for strategies to strengthen your earned media outreach? Here are a few tips from a cross-section of industry pros and PR experts.

Four Tips for Securing Earned Media

Kim Prince, CEO, Founder, Proven Media provides four tips for securing earned media.

  1. Craft your organization’s story to stay on point and true to your mission and brand.
  2. Stand out from the crowd, especially in your sector or area of expertise.
  3. Support your credibility.
  4. Reach out to the media to keep your organization in the spotlight.

Paul Dughi, CEO at, offers this suggestion. “Reporters get pitched so many stories every day and most of the press releases just wind up in the trash can,” Dughi said. “You’ve got to figure out a unique angle or pitch that has broad appeal or you’ll suffer the same fate.

Start With Your Audience

Kirby Wilkerson, PR Strategist, and Founder, The Impact Kind advises starting with your audience and determining where they are hanging out. Once you know where they are, show up more often in those mediums and be helpful.

Meeting key players in those segments who can help you deliver a message that resonates well with their shared audience can also be beneficial. While it takes time, some gains can be faster than others.

Identify the Right Reporters, Outlets, or Influencers

Arthia Nixon, author of the Newsworthiness Now series, emphasizes the importance of identifying the right reporters, outlets, or influencers for your story. Researching local news outlets and reporters who cover topics related to your brand or message can increase your chances of getting coverage.

Crafting a compelling pitch that explains why your story is relevant to their audience and why they should cover it is also key.

“You want to find the journalists who are already interested in your subject matter,” she says. “This will increase your chances of getting coverage.”

Use Newsjacking Strategies

Nixon also recommends “newsjacking.” Newsjacking involves piggybacking on a breaking news story or trend to gain media attention for your own brand or message.

“The key is to have a unique angle or perspective that sets you apart from the competition,” Nixon says. “You want to add value to the conversation by providing a fresh take or new information.”

To do this effectively, you need to monitor news sources and social media for relevant stories and quickly develop a unique angle or perspective that ties in with your brand. This can be a risky strategy, as you need to ensure that your message is appropriate and sensitive to the situation. However, if done correctly, newsjacking can be a powerful way to generate earned media.

Find Cool or Unique Products or Approaches

Scott Robertson, CEO, Certified StoryBrand Guide, looks for companies with very cool or unique products. For example, their client GuitarGrip’s Jerry Garcia Collection of guitar wall hangers, one of which is shaped like Garcia’s hand.  

“We got a ton of coverage on this, some good Grateful Dead bloggers and influencers, and drove a lot of sales during a limited licensing window,” he said.

Finding unique products or approaches can attract attention from media outlets and potential customers.

Want more tips?

Read: 7 Experts Tips from Industry Pros on How to Get Earned Media Coverage (for Free)